1 Professor of Zoomancy 8 Swamp 8 Forest 1 Field Trip 1 Umbral Juke 1 Mortality Spear 1 Mage Duel 1 Leech Fanatic 4 Blood Researcher 1 Springmane Cervin 1 Infuse with Vitality 1 Daemogoth Titan 1 Witherbloom Campus 1 Witherbloom Pledgemage 1 Hunt for Specimens 1 Honor Troll 1 Fortifying Draught 1 Crushing Disappointment 1 Tend the Pests 1 Valentin, Dean of the Vein 1 Dragonsguard Elite 1 Dina, Soul Steeper 1 Bookwurm 1 Springmane Cervin 2 Quandrix Pledgemage 1 Fractal Summoning 2 Biomathematician 1 Environmental Sciences 2 Reckless Amplimancer 1 Promising Duskmage 1 Scurrid Colony 1 Letter of Acceptance 1 Reject 1 Professor's Warning 2 Curate 1 Exhilarating Elocution 1 Leyline Invocation 1 Bayou Groff 1 Charge Through 1 Big Play