1 Agonizing Remorse 1 Essence Infusion 8 Swamp 7 Plains 1 Witherbloom Pledgemage 2 Closing Statement 1 Eliminate 1 Humiliate 1 Owlin Shieldmage 1 Hunt for Specimens 1 Pillardrop Rescuer 1 Doom Blade 1 Rise of Extus 1 Silverquill Campus 1 Thunderous Orator 1 Mage Hunters' Onslaught 1 Specter of the Fens 1 Village Rites 1 Spiteful Squad 1 Promising Duskmage 1 Professor of Symbology 1 Killian, Ink Duelist 1 Vanishing Verse 1 Lash of Malice 2 Unwilling Ingredient 1 Zimone, Quandrix Prodigy 1 Elemental Summoning 1 Leyline Invocation 1 Scurrid Colony 1 Witherbloom Command 1 Blood Researcher 1 Hunt for Specimens 1 Infuse with Vitality 1 Retriever Phoenix 1 Witherbloom Campus 1 Moldering Karok 1 Bookwurm 1 Cram Session 1 Professor's Warning 1 Campus Guide 1 Study Break 1 Inkling Summoning 1 Harness Infinity 1 Ageless Guardian 1 Verdant Mastery