1 Teferi's Ageless Insight 1 Alrund's Epiphany 1 Sublime Epiphany 1 Shark Typhoon 1 The Magic Mirror 1 Stolen by the Fae 1 Fire Prophecy 1 Forbidden Friendship 1 Thundering Rebuke 1 Storm's Wrath 1 Torrent Sculptor 1 Double Vision 1 Magma Opus 1 Environmental Sciences 1 Castle Vantress 1 Mystic Sanctuary 1 Silundi Vision 1 Valakut Awakening 1 Prismari Campus 1 Frostboil Snarl 1 Temple of Epiphany 1 Experimental Overload 1 Enthralling Hold 1 Elemental Masterpiece 1 Wandering Archaic 1 Teach by Example 1 Solve the Equation 1 Serpentine Curve 1 Multiple Choice 1 Practical Research 6 Mountain 9 Island 1 Elemental Summoning 1 Anticipate 1 Relic Amulet 1 Mascot Exhibition 1 Into the Roil 1 Maddening Cacophony 1 Negate 1 Ominous Seas 1 Didn't Say Please 1 Midnight Clock 1 Teferi's Tutelage 1 Wavebreak Hippocamp 1 Inscription of Insight 1 Command Tower 1 Rowan, Scholar of Sparks