2 Isolated Chapel 2 Soul Shatter 4 Charming Prince 4 Swamp 4 Plains 4 Brightclimb Pathway 3 Basilica Bell-Haunt 3 Oath of Kaya 2 Epicure of Blood 4 Silversmote Ghoul 2 Cling to Dust 2 Malakir Rebirth 4 Revitalize 4 Tavern Swindler 4 Griffin Aerie 4 Temple of Silence 2 Agadeem's Awakening 2 Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose 4 Godless Shrine 2 Shield Mare 2 Heliod's Intervention 2 Agonizing Remorse 2 Sanguine Indulgence 2 Heartless Act 2 Duress 1 Kaya's Wrath 1 Mazemind Tome 1 Clackbridge Troll