2 Vengeful Reaper 2 Binding the Old Gods 2 Scapeshift 4 Darkbore Pathway 2 Temple of Malady 3 Moss Viper 3 Karn's Bastion 7 Forest 2 Ornery Dilophosaur 4 Swamp 2 Extinction Event 2 Vraska, Swarm's Eminence 2 Bala Ged Recovery 2 Agadeem's Awakening 3 Hooded Blightfang 2 Murderous Rider 2 Gift of Paradise 3 Evolution Sage 2 Heartless Act 4 Fynn, the Fangbearer 2 Pollenbright Druid 3 Questing Beast 1 Questing Beast 3 Planewide Celebration 2 Extinction Event