2 Commit 1 Castle Ardenvale 2 Glacial Fortress 1 Castle Vantress 3 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales 1 Temple Garden 4 Root Snare 2 Wrath of God 2 Breeding Pool 2 Explore 2 Fabled Passage 2 Forest 4 Growth Spiral 4 Hallowed Fountain 4 Haze of Pollen 2 Island 4 Narset, Parter of Veils 2 Plains 2 Disallow 4 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 3 Gideon of the Trials 2 Barkchannel Pathway 2 Hengegate Pathway 2 Wrath of God 1 Elder Gargaroth 2 Dovin's Veto 2 Negate 2 Seal Away 1 Shark Typhoon 2 Timely Reinforcements 1 Settle the Wreckage 2 Weathered Runestone