1 Hypothesizzle 1 Smelt-Ward Minotaur 1 Direct Current 7 Island 8 Mountain 1 Muse Drake 1 Unexplained Disappearance 1 Fire Urchin 1 Citywatch Sphinx 1 Quasiduplicate 1 Chemister's Insight 1 Beacon Bolt 1 Izzet Guildgate 1 Fresh-Faced Recruit 1 Leapfrog 2 Goblin Electromancer 1 Watcher in the Mist 1 Piston-Fist Cyclops 1 Inescapable Blaze 1 Lava Coil 1 Command the Storm 1 Passwall Adept 1 Izzet Guildgate 1 Cosmotronic Wave 1 Wojek Bodyguard 1 Crackling Drake 1 Vedalken Mesmerist 2 Fresh-Faced Recruit 2 Rubblebelt Boar 1 Gravitic Punch 4 Barging Sergeant 1 Nightveil Sprite 1 Devious Cover-Up 1 Goblin Locksmith 1 Crushing Canopy 1 Garrison Sergeant 1 Righteous Blow 1 Dead Weight 1 Inspiring Unicorn 1 Tenth District Guard 1 Golgari Guildgate