3 Ghastly Gloomhunter 2 Radiant Fountain 19 Swamp 2 Alchemist's Gift 2 Scion of the Swarm 4 Murderous Rider 2 Oblivion's Hunger 1 Underworld Dreams 2 Feed the Swarm 4 Marauding Blight-Priest 2 Unexpected Fangs 1 Extinction Event 2 Revenge of Ravens 2 Archfiend's Vessel 2 Soul Shatter 4 Malakir Rebirth 2 Enemy of Enlightenment 2 Pelakka Predation 2 Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose 2 Scourge of the Skyclaves 1 Skyclave Shade 4 Deadly Alliance 2 Duress 2 Nightmare Shepherd