2 Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider 16 Snow-Covered Forest 2 The World Tree 1 Blast Zone 2 Interplanar Beacon 3 Llanowar Elves 2 Faceless Haven 3 Arboreal Grazer 2 Explore 3 Mind Stone 1 Karn's Bastion 4 Cultivate 4 Karn, the Great Creator 2 Golos, Tireless Pilgrim 4 Nissa, Who Shakes the World 2 Ugin, the Ineffable 3 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon 2 Turntimber Symbiosis 2 Esika, God of the Tree 1 Mind Stone 1 Stonecoil Serpent 1 Grafdigger's Cage 2 Sorcerous Spyglass 1 Mirror Shield 1 Platinum Angel 1 Golos, Tireless Pilgrim 1 God-Pharaoh's Statue 2 Meteor Golem 1 Cosmos Elixir 1 Heart of Kiran 1 Maskwood Nexus 1 Transmogrifying Wand