3 Vadrok, Apex of Thunder 3 Lore Drakkis 2 Inscription of Insight 4 Roost of Drakes 4 Into the Roil 4 Roil Eruption 3 Jace, Mirror Mage 2 Kitesail Cleric 4 Island 1 Plains 3 Sea Gate Stormcaller 1 Mountain 3 Field Research 4 Raugrin Triome 3 Thundering Rebuke 2 Coralhelm Chronicler 2 Temple of Enlightenment 2 Temple of Epiphany 2 Temple of Triumph 4 Needleverge Pathway 4 Riverglide Pathway 3 Negate 2 Mystical Dispute 2 Phoenix of Ash 2 Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis 2 Shatter the Sky 2 Cinderclasm 2 Soul-Guide Lantern