4 Woe Strider 4 Dreadhorde Butcher 2 Blood Artist 3 Midnight Reaper 4 Collected Company 3 Fabled Passage 3 Temple of Malady 3 Swamp 2 Stomping Ground 4 Priest of Forgotten Gods 4 Overgrown Tomb 1 Mountain 4 Mayhem Devil 2 Forest 3 Claim the Firstborn 4 Cauldron Familiar 2 Castle Locthwain 4 Blood Crypt 4 Witch's Oven 2 Spawn of Mayhem 4 Demonic Embrace 1 Cling to Dust 1 Claim the Firstborn 2 Act of Treason 3 Scavenging Ooze 1 Rotting Regisaur