1 Spawn of Mayhem 1 Gruesome Menagerie 1 Massacre Wurm 1 Bolas's Citadel 1 Liliana, Dreadhorde General 1 Command the Dreadhorde 1 Witch's Cottage 1 Field of Ruin 1 Gray Merchant of Asphodel 1 Witch's Oven 1 Rankle, Master of Pranks 1 Pharika's Libation 1 Cavalier of Night 1 Liliana's Standard Bearer 1 Castle Locthwain 1 Nightmare Shepherd 1 Kitesail Freebooter 22 Swamp 1 Vindictive Vampire 1 Blood for Bones 1 Cauldron Familiar 1 Foulmire Knight 1 Knight of the Ebon Legion 1 Spark Harvest 1 Omen of the Dead 1 Dreadhorde Invasion 1 Lazotep Reaver 1 Order of Midnight 1 Orzhov Enforcer 1 Priest of Forgotten Gods 1 Tymaret, Chosen from Death 1 Yarok's Fenlurker 1 Midnight Reaper 1 Murderous Rider 1 Woe Strider 1 Dread Presence 1 Gravedigger 1 Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose 1 Ayara, First of Locthwain