4 Memorial to Glory 2 Divine Visitation 3 Ixalan's Binding 2 Dawn of Hope 2 Seal Away 1 Lyra Dawnbringer 1 Cleansing Nova 3 Leonin Warleader 3 Vraska's Contempt 2 Settle the Wreckage 4 Dusk Legion Zealot 4 Isolated Chapel 3 Resplendent Angel 3 Hunted Witness 8 Plains 8 Swamp 1 Field of Ruin 3 Plaguecrafter 3 Fountain of Renewal 1 Blood Operative 1 Remorseful Cleric 1 Deadeye Tracker 2 Sentinel Totem 3 Ritual of Soot 1 Shalai, Voice of Plenty 3 Duress 2 Plague Mare 1 Seal Away