2 Wall of Lost Thoughts 1 Arcades, the Strategist 1 Temple Garden 2 Hinterland Harbor 3 Forest 3 Tower Defense 2 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive 1 Glacial Fortress 2 Sphinx's Insight 2 Dovin's Acuity 2 Deputy of Detention 3 Chromatic Lantern 2 Blossoming Sands 1 Emergency Powers 2 Time Wipe 2 Tamiyo's Epiphany 3 Wall of Runes 2 Prison Realm 2 Mentor of the Meek 2 Pegasus Courser 1 Hallowed Fountain 2 Arboreal Grazer 6 Island 6 Plains 3 High Alert 2 Wall of Mist