2 Forest 2 Mountain 4 Sacred Foundry 4 Stomping Ground 4 Temple Garden 4 Temple of Abandon 4 Temple of Triumph 2 Boon Satyr 4 Boros Reckoner 2 Fleecemane Lion 1 Scavenging Ooze 4 Soldier of the Pantheon 4 Voice of Resurgence 4 Advent of the Wurm 4 Lightning Strike 2 Mizzium Mortars 4 Selesnya Charm 2 Chained to the Rocks 3 Chandra, Pyromaster 2 Boon Satyr 3 Boros Charm 2 Chained to the Rocks 2 Destructive Revelry 3 Last Breath 2 Mizzium Mortars 1 Scavenging Ooze