1 Swamp 2 Cut Down 3 Mountain 4 Sulfurous Springs 3 Duress 4 Go for the Throat 4 Blackcleave Cliffs 3 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 4 Plaza of Heroes 3 Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor 2 Anoint with Affliction 3 Inti, Seneschal of the Sun 4 Restless Vents 4 Tinybones Joins Up 3 Tinybones, the Pickpocket 3 Magda, the Hoardmaster 4 Blazemire Verge 3 Kellan, Planar Trailblazer 3 Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate 2 Cut Down 2 Pyroclasm 1 Duress 4 Leyline of the Void 2 Liliana of the Veil 2 Feed the Swarm 2 Brotherhood's End