3 Island 4 Alrund's Epiphany 3 The Monumental Facade 2 Fatal Push 1 Swamp 3 Impulse 1 Erebos's Intervention 2 Go for the Throat 4 Mindsplice Apparatus 2 Behold the Multiverse 4 Divide by Zero 1 Rona's Vortex 3 Jwari Disruption 2 Hall of Storm Giants 1 Hive of the Eye Tyrant 4 Clearwater Pathway 4 Watery Grave 4 Shipwreck Marsh 1 Sea Gate Restoration 1 Three Steps Ahead 4 Mystical Teachings 1 Time Stop 1 Aetherize 1 Discontinuity 1 Restless Reef 1 Undercity Sewers 2 Ritual of Soot 1 Teachings of the Archaics 1 Environmental Sciences 1 Mascot Exhibition 1 Introduction to Prophecy 1 Extinction Event 1 Fatal Push 1 Chemister's Insight 2 Thought Distortion 2 Negate 1 Cling to Dust 1 Pithing Needle