1 Thundertrap Trainer 2 Agate Assault 2 Take Out the Trash 2 Tempest Angler 2 Stormcatch Mentor 3 Pearl of Wisdom 1 Kindlespark Duo 1 Azure Beastbinder 1 Artist's Talent 1 Fountainport Bell 1 Coruscation Mage 2 Harnesser of Storms 2 Shore Up 1 Splash Portal 1 Rabid Gnaw 1 Sazacap's Brew 1 Dire Downdraft 8 Mountain 7 Island 1 Daring Waverider 1 Gossip's Talent 1 Mind Drill Assailant 1 High Stride 1 Into the Flood Maw 2 Shore Up 1 Mind Spiral 1 Waterspout Warden 1 Run Away Together 1 Dazzling Denial 1 Long River's Pull 1 Nightwhorl Hermit 1 Feather of Flight