1 Carrot Cake 1 Burrowguard Mentor 1 Lifecreed Duo 2 Stickytongue Sentinel 1 Treeguard Duo 2 High Stride 1 Treetop Sentries 1 Druid of the Spade 1 Builder's Talent 1 Caretaker's Talent 1 Bushy Bodyguard 1 Three Tree Rootweaver 2 Head of the Homestead 1 Crumb and Get It 1 Oakhollow Village 1 Hunter's Talent 1 Hivespine Wolverine 1 Sunshower Druid 1 Bakersbane Duo 2 Sonar Strike 1 Lupinflower Village 8 Forest 7 Plains 2 Wax-Wane Witness 1 Starforged Sword 1 Valley Rally 1 Treetop Sentries 1 Plumecreed Mentor 1 Corpseberry Cultivator 3 Thought Shucker 1 Tangle Tumbler 1 Bumbleflower's Sharepot 1 Gossip's Talent 1 Rabbit Response