2 Brambleguard Veteran 1 Blacksmith's Talent 1 Rust-Shield Rampager 2 Treeguard Duo 1 Roughshod Duo 1 Whiskerquill Scribe 2 Fecund Greenshell 1 Wandertale Mentor 2 Polliwallop 2 Flamecache Gecko 1 Conduct Electricity 1 Brambleguard Captain 1 Byway Barterer 1 Rabid Gnaw 1 Hazardroot Herbalist 1 Steampath Charger 1 High Stride 1 Three Tree Rootweaver 1 Rockface Village 7 Mountain 9 Forest 1 Hazel's Nocturne 1 Sunshower Druid 2 Bellowing Crier 1 Festival of Embers 1 Waterspout Warden 1 Overprotect 1 Conduct Electricity 1 Stocking the Pantry 1 Might of the Meek 1 Intrepid Rabbit 1 Alania's Pathmaker 1 High Stride 1 Frilled Sparkshooter 1 Agate-Blade Assassin