1 Starfall Invocation 1 Repel Calamity 1 Long River Lurker 1 Dire Downdraft 1 Knightfisher 1 Bellowing Crier 1 Calamitous Tide 2 Forest 2 Dazzling Denial 1 Harvestrite Host 1 Thundertrap Trainer 1 Intrepid Rabbit 1 Eddymurk Crab 1 Lightshell Duo 1 Patchwork Banner 1 Dreamdew Entrancer 2 Splash Lasher 1 Plumecreed Mentor 1 Pileated Provisioner 1 Lupinflower Village 1 Kastral, the Windcrested 1 Into the Flood Maw 1 Lifecreed Duo 8 Island 6 Plains 1 Longstalk Brawl 1 Huskburster Swarm 2 Uncharted Haven 2 Mind Spiral 1 High Stride 1 Parting Gust 1 Head of the Homestead 1 Gev, Scaled Scorch 1 Thought Shucker 1 Nightwhorl Hermit 1 Skyskipper Duo 1 Finch Formation 1 Waterspout Warden