1 Byway Barterer 2 Take Out the Trash 1 Brightblade Stoat 2 Veteran Guardmouse 1 Roughshod Duo 2 Seedglaive Mentor 2 Rabid Gnaw 1 Brazen Collector 1 Banishing Light 2 Might of the Meek 2 Raccoon Rallier 1 Driftgloom Coyote 1 Brave-Kin Duo 1 Manifold Mouse 1 Quaketusk Boar 1 Short Bow 1 Agate Assault 8 Plains 9 Mountain 2 Take Out the Trash 1 Azure Beastbinder 1 Coruscation Mage 1 Feed the Cycle 1 Junkblade Bruiser 1 Agate-Blade Assassin 1 Steampath Charger 1 Harvestrite Host 1 Rabbit Response 1 Alania's Pathmaker 1 Cindering Cutthroat 1 Conduct Electricity 1 Frilled Sparkshooter 1 Sazacap's Brew 1 Harnesser of Storms