1 Warren Warleader 1 Jolly Gerbils 1 Seedglaive Mentor 1 Patchwork Banner 1 Playful Shove 2 Intrepid Rabbit 2 Crumb and Get It 1 Veteran Guardmouse 1 Might of the Meek 2 Heartfire Hero 2 Take Out the Trash 1 Harvestrite Host 1 Thistledown Players 1 Rabbit Response 1 Raccoon Rallier 1 Parting Gust 1 Brazen Collector 2 Banishing Light 1 Driftgloom Coyote 8 Mountain 8 Plains 1 Brambleguard Veteran 3 Whiskerquill Scribe 1 Cindering Cutthroat 1 Thought Shucker 1 Head of the Homestead 2 Pileated Provisioner 1 Stormcatch Mentor 1 Knightfisher 1 Honored Dreyleader 1 Starseer Mentor 1 Builder's Talent 1 Tangle Tumbler