1 Starfall Invocation 1 Fell 1 Downwind Ambusher 1 Savor 1 Wax-Wane Witness 1 Moonrise Cleric 1 Starseer Mentor 2 Agate-Blade Assassin 3 Sandcloud Harbinger 1 Bandit's Talent 1 Banishing Light 1 Cindering Cutthroat 1 Dawn's Truce 1 Jackdaw Savior 1 Brightblade Stoat 1 Nocturnal Hunger 1 Glidedive Duo 1 Starscape Cleric 1 Early Winter 1 Stargaze 8 Plains 9 Swamp 1 Cindercone Smite 1 Galewind Moose 1 Dewdrop Cure 1 Brave Meadowguard 1 Moonrise Cleric 1 Junkblade Bruiser 1 Manifold Mouse 1 Head of the Homestead 1 Feather of Flight 1 Pileated Provisioner 1 Burrowguard Mentor 1 Polliwallop 1 Harnesser of Storms 1 Sazacap's Brew 1 Warren Elder 1 Diresight 1 Builder's Talent 1 Festival of Embers 1 Steampath Charger