1 Galewind Moose 2 Banishing Light 1 Sunshower Druid 1 Parting Gust 8 Forest 1 Heirloom Epic 1 Lifecreed Duo 2 Pileated Provisioner 1 Harvestrite Host 1 Three Tree Mascot 1 Burrowguard Mentor 1 High Stride 1 Shrike Force 2 Wax-Wane Witness 1 Hidden Grotto 1 Keen-Eyed Curator 1 Peerless Recycling 1 Thornvault Forager 1 Driftgloom Coyote 8 Plains 1 Star Charter 2 Crumb and Get It 1 Bandit's Talent 1 Clement, the Worrywort 1 Pearl of Wisdom 1 Long River's Pull 1 Otterball Antics 1 Thornplate Intimidator 1 Tidecaller Mentor 1 Tempest Angler 1 Seasoned Warrenguard 1 War Squeak 1 Thought Shucker 1 Wick's Patrol 1 Lightshell Duo 1 Diresight 1 Seedglaive Mentor