12 Forest 12 Island 1 Riddlemaster Sphinx 1 Conspiracy Unraveler 1 Thornwood Falls 1 Temple of Mystery 1 Tangled Islet 1 Hedge Maze 1 Affectionate Indrik 1 Ravenous Sailback 1 Emrakul, the World Anew 1 Tribute to the World Tree 1 Spelunking 1 Nissa, Resurgent Animist 1 Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant 1 Garruk's Uprising 1 A-Social Climber 1 Wingfold Pteron 1 Virtue of Knowledge 1 Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant 1 Thorn Mammoth 1 God-Pharaoh's Statue 1 Delighted Halfling 1 Frilled Sea Serpent 1 Arcane Signet 1 The Skullspore Nexus 1 Warden of the Woods 1 Utopia Sprawl 1 Titania's Command 1 Archive Dragon 1 Yavimaya Sojourner 1 Rampaging Ursaguana 1 Primeval Titan 1 Surrak and Goreclaw 1 Rampaging Brontodon 1 Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus 1 Undercover Crocodelf 1 Woodland Mystic 1 Topiary Stomper 1 Worn Powerstone 1 Glint Weaver 1 Herd Migration 1 Portal to Phyrexia 1 Ulamog, the Defiler 1 Annoyed Altisaur 1 Depth Charge Colossus 1 Windreader Sphinx 1 Tolarian Terror 1 Overflowing Insight 1 Storm of Saruman 1 Tidal Terror 1 Jin-Gitaxias 1 Horned Loch-Whale 1 Yavimaya Coast 1 Chimil, the Inner Sun 1 Command Tower 1 Chromatic Orrery 1 Threefold Thunderhulk 1 Dreamstone Hedron 1 Wandering Archaic 1 Turntimber Symbiosis 1 Copper Host Crusher 1 Roving Keep 1 Mirrorshell Crab 1 Colossal Skyturtle 4 Snow-Covered Forest 4 Snow-Covered Island 1 Mox Amber 1 Thunderhead Squadron 1 Air-Cult Elemental 1 Skyscythe Engulfer 1 Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty