1 Otawara, Soaring City 1 Hall of Storm Giants 2 Ipnu Rivulet 3 Freestrider Lookout 1 Arid Archway 4 Breeding Pool 4 Blue Sun's Twilight 3 Botanical Sanctum 1 Island 2 Boseiju, Who Endures 4 Fading Hope 2 Lair of the Hydra 2 Forest 3 Lush Oasis 4 Colossal Rattlewurm 4 Spell Pierce 1 Glasspool Mimic 4 Fae of Wishes 4 Outcaster Greenblade 1 Pick Your Poison 4 Conduit Pylons 3 Bristly Bill, Spine Sower 2 Three Steps Ahead 2 Mystical Dispute 1 Pick Your Poison 1 Witness Protection 1 Change the Equation 1 Soul-Guide Lantern 1 Treasure Cruise 1 Jace, the Perfected Mind 1 Tormod's Crypt 1 Temporal Trespass 1 Grafdigger's Cage 1 Negate 1 Damping Sphere 1 Pithing Needle 1 Back to Nature