1 Swamp 2 Blast Zone 2 Cut Down 1 Laughing Jasper Flint 2 Vial Smasher, Gleeful Grenadier 2 Decadent Dragon 2 Go for the Throat 1 Leyline of the Guildpact 2 Xander's Lounge 3 Virtue of Persistence 2 Bitter Triumph 2 At Knifepoint 1 Rakdos, the Muscle 3 Deadly Cover-Up 2 Ziatora's Proving Ground 1 Vraska, the Silencer 3 Raven of Fell Omens 2 Rakish Crew 1 Sheoldred 2 Brimstone Roundup 2 Rodeo Pyromancers 2 Intimidation Campaign 1 Raffine's Tower 1 Spirebluff Canal 1 Eroded Canyon 2 Soured Springs 4 Mountain 1 Island 2 Jagged Barrens 1 Blooming Marsh 1 Festering Gulch 1 Blooming Marsh 1 Botanical Sanctum 1 Lush Oasis 1 Forest 2 Voracious Varmint