2 Witchstalker Frenzy 1 Into the Fire 2 Snakeskin Veil 2 Twinferno 3 Demonic Ruckus 4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan 4 Play with Fire 4 Monstrous Rage 4 Cacophony Scamp 4 Monastery Swiftspear 1 Questing Druid 2 Reckless Impulse 3 Slickshot Show-Off 3 Bristling Backwoods 1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 4 Copperline Gorge 8 Mountain 1 Boseiju, Who Endures 1 The Hunter Maze 2 Reckless Stormseeker 2 Two-Headed Hunter 2 Rockfall Vale 3 Pick Your Poison 4 Strangle 4 End the Festivities 1 Witchstalker Frenzy 1 Brotherhood's End 1 Colossal Rattlewurm 1 Calamity, Galloping Inferno