1 Sigarda, Champion of Light 7 Forest 5 Plains 2 Resplendent Angel 2 Resplendent Marshal 1 Aurelia's Vindicator 2 Serra Paragon 1 Restless Prairie 1 Baneslayer Angel 1 Lyra Dawnbringer 4 Emeria's Call 1 Giada, Font of Hope 1 Metropolis Reformer 3 Righteous Valkyrie 1 Glorious Protector 1 Trostani, Three Whispers 1 Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider 4 Ossification 1 Questing Beast 2 Llanowar Loamspeaker 1 Werewolf Pack Leader 2 Bloated Contaminator 1 Garruk's Harbinger 1 Polukranos Reborn 1 Surrak and Goreclaw 2 Banishing Light 2 Angelic Intervention 1 Gaea's Gift 1 Snakeskin Veil 1 Sunpetal Grove 1 Temple Garden 1 Temple of Plenty 2 Overgrown Farmland 1 Lush Portico 1 Branchloft Pathway 1 Archangel Elspeth 1 Divine Visitation 1 Sigardian Savior 1 Resplendent Angel 2 Shalai, Voice of Plenty 1 Boon-Bringer Valkyrie 1 Arwen, Mortal Queen 1 Invasion of Ikoria 1 Kogla, the Titan Ape 1 Starnheim Unleashed 1 Family Reunion 1 Tyvar's Stand 1 Heroic Intervention 1 Gaea's Gift