1 Snaremaster Sprite 1 Siren Stormtamer 18 Island 18 Mountain 1 Augur of Bolas 1 Ichor Synthesizer 1 Vodalian Arcanist 1 Aven Wind Mage 1 Cloudkin Seer 1 Wizard's Retort 1 Watertrap Weaver 1 Ghitu Lavarunner 1 Tempest Caller 1 Electrostatic Infantry 1 Viashino Pyromancer 1 Wizard's Lightning 1 Accident-Prone Apprentice 1 Ghitu Journeymage 1 Axiom Engraver 1 Balmor, Battlemage Captain 1 Sorcerer's Wand 1 Goblin Electromancer 1 Wee Dragonauts 1 Firefist Adept 1 Murmuring Mystic 1 Passwall Adept 1 Oracle of Tragedy 1 Warden of Evos Isle 1 Tolarian Terror 1 Exclusion Mage 1 Chart a Course 1 Swiftwater Cliffs 1 Arrester's Admonition 1 Hypothesizzle 1 Volcanic Spite 1 Crash Through 1 Demand Answers 1 Fires of Victory 1 Galvanize 1 Sift 1 Rooftop Nuisance 1 Deduce 1 Ancestral Reminiscence 1 Molten Tributary 1 Ertai's Scorn 1 Urza's Rebuff 1 Essence Scatter 1 Negate 1 Unwind 1 Impulse 1 Sleep 1 Ral's Outburst 1 Tectonic Hazard 1 Doublecast 1 Lightning Strike 1 Lava Coil 1 Skewer the Critics 1 Light Up the Stage 1 Highland Lake 1 Stoke the Flames 1 Cosmotronic Wave 1 Beacon Bolt 1 Sonic Assault 1 Izzet Guildgate 1 Adeliz, the Cinder Wind