1 Krenko's Buzzcrusher 1 Red Herring 2 Bite Down on Crime 1 Case of the Shattered Pact 2 Galvanize 2 Gearbane Orangutan 1 Convenient Target 2 Riftburst Hellion 3 Slime Against Humanity 2 Nervous Gardener 1 Break Out 1 Rubblebelt Maverick 1 Vitu-Ghazi Inspector 1 Case of the Trampled Garden 1 Sample Collector 1 Topiary Panther 1 Fanatical Strength 8 Forest 8 Mountain 1 Bite Down on Crime 1 Get a Leg Up 1 Faerie Snoop 1 Felonious Rage 1 Pick Your Poison 1 Alley Assailant 1 Not on My Watch 1 They Went This Way 1 Insidious Roots 1 Gravestone Strider 1 Evidence Examiner 1 Thinking Cap 1 Expose the Culprit 1 Bubble Smuggler 1 Aftermath Analyst