1 Shock 1 Cornered Crook 2 Extract a Confession 1 Galvanize 1 Rot Farm Mortipede 1 Leering Onlooker 2 Rubblebelt Braggart 1 Demand Answers 1 Case of the Gorgon's Kiss 1 Crime Novelist 2 Case of the Burning Masks 1 Harried Dronesmith 1 Long Goodbye 2 Deadly Complication 1 Shady Informant 1 Pyrotechnic Performer 1 Rune-Brand Juggler 1 Knife 1 Unscrupulous Agent 1 Soul Enervation 8 Swamp 8 Mountain 2 Case of the Gorgon's Kiss 1 Rakish Scoundrel 1 Felonious Rage 2 Agency Coroner 1 Rot Farm Mortipede 1 Rubblebelt Braggart 1 Greenbelt Radical 1 Slimy Dualleech 1 Airtight Alibi 1 Cerebral Confiscation 1 Basilica Stalker 1 Sanitation Automaton 1 Magnetic Snuffler