1 Wojek Investigator 1 Niv-Mizzet, Guildpact 1 Shady Informant 1 Tunnel Tipster 1 Unscrupulous Agent 1 They Went This Way 3 Public Thoroughfare 1 Gravestone Strider 1 Suspicious Detonation 1 Basilica Stalker 1 Drag the Canal 1 Reckless Detective 1 Case of the Shattered Pact 1 Deadly Complication 1 Riftburst Hellion 1 Break Out 1 Cornered Crook 1 Repeat Offender 1 Anzrag, the Quake-Mole 1 Worldsoul's Rage 1 Wispdrinker Vampire 1 Plains 1 Island 5 Swamp 4 Mountain 3 Forest 1 Alley Assailant 1 Museum Nightwatch 1 Absolving Lammasu 1 Cerebral Confiscation 1 Slimy Dualleech 1 Repeat Offender 1 Essence of Antiquity 1 Snarling Gorehound 2 Gearbane Orangutan 1 Case of the Burning Masks 1 Expose the Culprit 1 Pick Your Poison 1 Curious Cadaver 2 Demand Answers