1 Warleader's Call 2 Galvanize 1 Dog Walker 1 Haazda Vigilante 1 Escape Tunnel 1 Rubblebelt Braggart 2 Goblin Maskmaker 1 Lightning Helix 2 Torch the Witness 1 Neighborhood Guardian 1 Forum Familiar 1 Vengeful Tracker 2 Not on My Watch 1 Shock 1 Gravestone Strider 1 Trostani, Three Whispers 1 Riftburst Hellion 1 Person of Interest 1 Harried Dronesmith 1 Felonious Rage 7 Plains 8 Mountain 1 Forest 1 Thinking Cap 1 Insidious Roots 1 Expose the Culprit 1 Magnifying Glass 1 Lead Pipe 1 Case of the Filched Falcon 1 Curious Inquiry 1 Lumbering Laundry 1 Pick Your Poison 1 Persuasive Interrogators 1 Crime Novelist 1 Jaded Analyst 1 Break Out 1 Rot Farm Mortipede 1 Due Diligence