1 All of History, All at Once 1 Coward 1 Rotating Fireplace 1 The Girl in the Fireplace 1 The Parting of the Ways 1 The Wedding of River Song 1 Time Beetle 1 Wibbly-wobbly, Timey-wimey 1 Amy Pond 1 Ecstatic Beauty 1 Everything Comes to Dust 1 Inspiring Refrain 1 Laser Screwdriver 1 Regenerations Restored 1 Sonic Screwdriver 1 Surge of Brilliance 1 TARDIS 1 The Eleventh Doctor 1 The Face of Boe 1 The Moment 1 The Ninth Doctor 1 The Twelfth Doctor 1 Ancestral Vision 1 Atraxi Warden 1 Chronomantic Escape 1 Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 1 Inevitable Betrayal 1 Jhoira of the Ghitu 1 Jhoira's Timebug 1 Mox Tantalite 1 Lotus Bloom 1 Pardic Dragon 1 Reality Strobe 1 Restore Balance 1 Rousing Refrain 1 Shivan Meteor 1 Sinister Concierge 1 Sol Talisman 1 Star Whale 1 Suspend 1 Watcher of Hours 1 Wheel of Fate 1 Chronozoa 1 Crack in Time 1 Four Knocks 1 Out of Time 1 Reality Acid 1 Whispersilk Cloak 1 Tidewalker 1 Training Grounds 1 Flaming Tyrannosaurus 1 Iraxxa, Empress of Mars 1 Keeper of Secrets 1 Memory Worm 1 Mizzix, Replica Rider 1 The Lost and the Damned 1 Vega, the Watcher 1 The Tenth Doctor 1 Rose Tyler