1 Ichor Drinker 1 Drana and Linvala 1 Sunder the Gateway 1 Invasion of Ulgrotha 1 Invasion of Kamigawa 1 Angelic Intervention 2 Nezumi Freewheeler 1 Gloomfang Mauler 1 Cut Short 2 Preening Champion 1 Aetherblade Agent 1 Swordsworn Cavalier 1 Unseal the Necropolis 1 Deadly Derision 1 Render Inert 1 Invasion of Xerex 1 Halo Forager 1 Invasion of Dominaria 1 Seal from Existence 1 Zephyr Singer 1 Dismal Backwater 1 Elspeth's Smite 1 Tidal Terror 6 Plains 4 Island 5 Swamp 1 Sunder the Gateway 2 Meeting of Minds 1 Change the Equation 1 Moment of Truth 1 Burning Sun's Fury 1 Cut Short 1 Unseal the Necropolis 1 Render Inert 1 Seed of Hope 1 Blighted Burgeoning 1 Omen Hawker 1 Invasion of Kylem 1 Tenured Oilcaster 1 Bloodfell Caves 1 Kor Halberd 1 Scrollshift 1 Bladed Battle-Fan 1 Invasion of New Capenna