1 Sharp-Eyed Rookie 1 Hard-Hitting Question 1 Bite Down on Crime 1 Steamcore Scholar 3 Crimestopper Sprite 1 Out Cold 1 Hotshot Investigators 1 Gravestone Strider 1 Smuggler's Copter 1 Case of the Trampled Garden 2 Cold Case Cracker 1 Exit Specialist 1 Furtive Courier 2 Jaded Analyst 1 Vitu-Ghazi Inspector 1 Case of the Filched Falcon 1 Nervous Gardener 1 Fanatical Strength 1 Mistway Spy 8 Forest 9 Island 1 Bite Down on Crime 1 Vengeful Creeper 1 Out Cold 2 Pick Your Poison 1 Gravestone Strider 1 Polygraph Orb 1 Case of the Gorgon's Kiss 1 Deduce 1 Hustle 1 Candlestick 1 Forum Familiar 1 Riftburst Hellion 1 Magnetic Snuffler 1 Airtight Alibi 1 Repeat Offender