Arena Standard - Nyxbloom Finale

30 60
26 8 2 24
Combo Jank

This deck uses Nyxbloom's effect to triple the amount of mana you can pump into Finale of Devastation.


It's often possible to get creatures out with +25/+25 using this effect. I've been able to do +70/+70 in a ranked match, and +150/+150 in a normal match.

If you use Hydroid Krasis with the effect of Finale, and the opponent has no fliers or answer to the attack (e.g. an instant sweeper with Teferi), this combo is often an OTK (or a concede.)


This deck fares badly against mono red and aggro decks; and against high removal/high counter decks.

There is also a high risk of self-decking due to synergy provided between Risen Reef, Thunderous Snapper and Kiora's effects.

Be warned that using Krasis with X>=3 will trigger Snapper. X>=4 will trigger Kiora AS WELL.

Creatures like Cavalier of Thorns will trigger Snapper (mana cost >=5), Risen Reef (type=Elemental) AND Kiora (power >=4), causing three card draws. More if you have more than one Snapper or Reef on your field.


If you REALLY want to go OP, get at least one Nyxbloom Ancient onto the field, have Nyx Lotus on the field and Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner on the field too.


Assuming you have a few Green mana creatures on the field, let's say Nyxbloom Ancient (3), Kiora (1) and a Thunderous Snapper (4). Nyx Lotus counts 8 green mana. Ancient triples that to 24. Using Finale of Devastation, you get +22/+22 to all your creatures, haste, plus able to summon one creature for free with buff.

If you have two Nyxbloom Ancient's instead of the Thunderous Snapper, you'll have less green mana (3+3+1), but both of the Nyxblooms' effects activate, meaning each green devotion nets 6 mana, not 3, meaning Nyx will count 7x6 mana=42.


But there's MORE!

If you tap Nyx Lotus for green mana, you can THEN use Kiora's -2 to UNTAP Nyx Lotus and tap it AGAIN for a total of double whatever Nyx Lotus was stocking, allowing you to pump a huge amount of mana into Finale.

In the first example, where Nyx Lotus was counting 24 mana, you can double tap Nyx Lotus for 42 mana, giving a free summon and a +40/+40 boost with haste to all your creatures.

In the second example, where Nyx Lotus was counting 42, due to the double Nyxbloom Ancient, this will double to 84 mana, giving a free summon and a +82/+82 boost with haste to all your creatures.


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Last Updated: 11 Jun 2020
Created: 31 May 2020
277 182 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (26)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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