Arena Standard - Dreadhorde Rises

14 44 12
18 13 5 24

5/6/19 Update: I've spent the past few days on tilt making (highly) questionable edits to the deck. The list in this guide is the one that has given me the most success. There are a lot of things that can cause big loss streaks: in my case likely a combination of bad luck and a clouded mind from IRL events. I'll be getting this deck into the hands of a couple other players in the coming weeks to add a bit of perspective. To all the Dragon-God Grixis lovers out there: I will not relent until we have the best version of this deck that we can possibly have.

Having played this deck exclusively for over a week I feel conifdent in delivering the final decklist, and my final edit to this guide. Let me begin by saying, this deck took me all the way to Diamond from Mid-Plat. Early on it took a lot of losses due to a poorly refined decklist, and my own inability as a player to properly pilot the archetype. It now sits at a pedestrian 51.3% winrate on the final day of the season. In a highly volatile game like Magic I am satisfied with that number. That said: I am confident that I can improve that number in the coming season, and I will be attempting to play enough matches to hit Mythic.

On to the deck itself. The first thing I want to say is that if you are a player who hates Control: this is the deck for you. Dreadhorde Butcherimage is absolutely insane if it hits the board turn two vs a lot of control decks. I have had people outright resign the match upon playing this 2 drop. Dreadhorde Invasionimage gives us another inexpensive card to put a clock on the control player, though it is vulnerable to Duress.

Our first 3 drop is Midnight Reaperimage: prioritize getting him on the board vs control early to represent the most upfront damage, and increase the punishment for killing our creatures. Death Baronimage can be dropped prior to attacking to increase our damage output and threaten blockers with Deathtouch. It is generally better to drop other creatures before the Death Baron unless you absolutely need the Deathtouch. The final 3 drop is Narset, Parter of Veilsimage. This card is insane, and shoutout to MegaMogwai on Youtube for what ended up being the final piece to this Grixis puzzle. It pulls Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godimage. It pulls Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage. It pulls Enter the God-Eternalsimage. It does all this while denying cards like Chemister's Insightimage and Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage. It ends up being a huge threat in a lot of matchups, one that demands removal, and one that we generally don't care to lose.

On to the 4 drops: the first of which is our good friend Nicol Bolas, the Ravager // Nicol Bolas, the Arisenimage. What is there to say about this card? It's good. We have Vraska's Contemptimage for some good old fashioned removal, and we have Widespread Brutalityimage for when we need to nuke the board. Keep in mind Widespread Brutalityimage is not Kaya's Wrathimage. You're going to need an Army built up if you want to kill something like a Carnage Tyrantimage.

Our first 5 drop is the almighty Nicol Bolas, Dragon-Godimage. Play this card, win the game. Just make sure you don't play him into a counter spell or removal. The other half of our 5 drop duo is Enter the God-Eternalsimage. Do you like having a 6+ power creature with lifelink? How about getting one while simultaneously removing a blocker with 4 or less toughness? If the answer to either of these questions is yes then I think you know what to do.

Finally, as our lone 6 drop we have Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage. She's good. Play her. +1 for Zombie. -4 for Murder. -9 Win Game. Gutterbonesimage and Soul Divinerimage round out the deck. These two are mostly bodies, with Soul Diviner being able to trade creature power for card draw in an emergency. Lava Coilimage is our workhorse removal option versus cards like Thief of Sanityimage and Rekindling Phoeniximage.

On to the sideboard guide. Dreadhorde Butcherimage can sometimes become a liability either due to being on the draw or our matchup being against a deck with a lot of early bodies. In this case replace him with Lazotep Reaverimage to give us more amass potential, as well as making our board slightly wider. In the same vein Gutterbonesimage can be replaced with Grim Initiateimage, though I rarely make this substitution myself.

Gleaming Overseerimage is an excellent substitution for Death Baronimage vs relatively creatureless decks, and also shines against heavy removal. Unmoored Egoimage is a very powerful card that can be used to deny whatever weapon the opponent relies on most. My favorite use of it is to remove 3+ copies of Teferi, Hero of Dominariaimage from play. The sideboard finishes off with an additional copy of Widespread Brutalityimage (for when we really need board wipes) and a copy of Ugin, the Ineffableimage (as a Planeswalker mix-up and to give us a non-zero chance of killing enchantments).

The most important thing to consider when playing this deck is YOU NEED A HAND THAT CURVES OUT. If your hand doesn't have the right mana combinations: mulligan. Also consider what the end game for a given hand looks like. Don't think just about turns one, two, and three: think farther ahead. Always consider your next move, and let the cards take care of the rest.

I hope that you are all having a blast playing Magic. 


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Last Updated: 09 May 2019
Created: 26 Apr 2019
377 114 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (23 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (5)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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