Arena Standard - Relive the Past

24 11 8
5 31 0 24
Midrange Control

An experimental build-around deck for Relive the Pastimage, which is a great value of 3 reanimator spells creating 3 5/5s for 7 mana. If you reanimate Threefold Thunderhulkimage it's an 8/8 with 8 1/1s.   And if the enchantment reanimated is Virtue of Loyaltyimage then those 3 get a +1/+1 counter every turn.

Pro-tip, if you Relive the Pastimage on Founding the Third Pathimage you can cast Relive the Pastimage again. If you have two Founding the Third Pathimage in graveyard you can cast as many Relive the Pastimages from your graveyard as you like. So while it's unfortunate you only get the 5/5 creature for 1-2 turns, reanimating the Founding gets you an extra artifact and land reanimation every turn.


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Last Updated: 16 May 2024
Created: 15 May 2024
48 9 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (29 distinct)

Creature (5)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (31)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 7 cards (7 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
8 7 33 9 0
1 0 5 1 0