Arena Standard - Obscura Tempo Recycling

12 38 12
14 24 0 22

They cast a creature, you put it back into their deck or hand, then they can't cast another spell because of Archon.  Best of all if you Jin Gitaxia up and he counters their one spell. Or you can stop it with Obscura Interceptor, then get it back into your hand with Getaway Car.

My favorite thing though is Run out of Town after their draw, then getting the card with Siphon Insight or Xanathar.


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Last Updated: 29 Aug 2022
Created: 12 Aug 2022
51 39 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (14)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (24)
Land (22)

Sideboard - 2 cards (2 distinct)


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