Modern - Combos/Oneshot - read description

25 18
2 34 0 24

One shot + Potencial One shots:

combo warlock class with scourge of skyclaves = one shot.

strixhaven stadium + epiphany = combo (potencial one shot)

multiple epiphany + meathook = -1 life to opponent per own minion killed (attack if opponent has no blocks with fliers then sac them with meathook + warlock class level 3 = oneshot).


Lier interactions - Discard your instant / sorc to bring them back with Lier, Discipline of the Drowned, make sure to have no counters in the deck (Lier on board = spells can't be countered) so use it to one shot with combo or as a last resort. It's good to play divide by zero to protect your Lier. You can discard epiphany and play it from the graveyard with Lier with 0% chances of getting countered, so don't be afraid to discard some epiphany's. 


Reaching combo point faster - Use your satchels + ring + stadium to ramp up your mana. Satchels work well with sorc/inst spams since it generates a lot of counters.


Satchel - you can also use satchels to draw the cards you want with Otherwordly gaze (look at top 3 cards of library, order them however you want the draw order to be or simply discard the ones you don't want)


Ring - If your ring stays in game for 8 turns you can generate extra mana. You need a total of 14 mana (if warlock is level 2 already) to cast the one shot so it is pretty good to have extra mana generators.


Stadium - You can win with Stadium by taping it everyturn + epiphany when you have 8 counters on it, if the enemy does not counter or have fliers you'll reach the 10 counters automatically winning the game.

If you have 2 epiphany's you only need 2 counters on stadium ( 2 + 1 (tap stadium) = 3 + 2 (2 flyers hit enemy) , = 5 counters + 4 (4 flyers attacking) = 9 + 1 (tap stadium) ) 10 counters + minions attacked = win.


I'm still working on this deck type so sugestions are appreciated. If you want to watch me play this deck, other decks, or if you want to exchange deck ideas go to my stream on and type in chat. Hope you have fun with this deck and remember you can change some cards depending on ladder metas. If you play vs a lot of control decks run some counters. Enjoy




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Last Updated: 10 Oct 2023
Created: 18 Sep 2021
1371 147 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (17 distinct)

Creature (2)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (34)
Land (24)

Sideboard - 7 cards (4 distinct)


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