Commander - Annie Flash's Last Job

22 17 32
23 36 1 39
Combo Jank

What are you talking about? I didn't copy the Desert Bloom Precon because I'm terrible at making land ratios. <.< You did! Oh shut up it was giving me trouble and I'm being haunted by this jank commander...Stupid MTG Wiki why is there such interesting lore on you Annie and Fortune?? TuT You know what the bad thing is at best Annie and Fortune just exile our deck instead of bringing back our 3 or lowers when used together through the Saddle Mechanic...Who designed you two?! >.<  Still one thing to keep in mind is we can use some known combos with her "joins up" enchantment including flicking it to make up for the fact trying to jam every Lightning Strike ever into the deck for memes was never going to work. That's more for Fblthp and Stella Lee if we're honest.

So first changes since we totally did use Desert Bloom: I dropped every commander from it because we're not gonna be Landfalling too often and also I would have taken Kirri out anyway because there's not quite enough plant tokens. Better to just make a new deck with her in it than try to slot her into this Annie Flash build we're making. I also removed A LOT of the high costs because our Commander is quite expensive.

Most basic combo: Annie Joins is a Panharmonicon.  So  in many ways this becomes a threat more often than she does. We can also wait and hold up mana to bounce it and be extra annoying while pushing 5 damage through to their face or blasting their creatures. Win-win! The trick is balancing the number of ways to bring it back with Panharmonicon targets...Which we're gonna make 'Legends Rules'/Legends Tribal.

Annie: is a resurrection though for 6 you better be sure that what you bring back is worth it and most likely next turn wins the game or removes the problem you're having clearing the board. Honestly using her once then Eternal Witnessing her latter is a viable strategy more than trying to push Commander Damage as a wincon....which sounds so weird for a six cost Naya...-.-;

As a side note we have a Lotus Snek in here to make extra mana but not many ways to leverage as a way to throw in a certain well known combo going around if we want it. A less budget option would be Nissa.

Fortune: as a Lt. he's actually not bad. He can re-nable our ETB triggers or reset Annie so we can use our Lighting Greaves to dig through our deck. Not a bad play there though we have to be careful as self miling only to burn-mill is probably not wise every turn. Still nice to reload our 'Thunder' eh?

Alternatively you can leave the Dersert Bloom Commanders in and try to build around them but I think a lower curve reanimator isn't a bad idea compared to the other things I've seen.

And with that I my head finally is quiet. -.-; Whew! I'm free! Ha ha ha ha! FREEEE!

...except wait now I kinda wanna build it and test it out.... 8,D


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Last Updated: 09 May 2024
Created: 08 May 2024
92 30 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (86 distinct)

Creature (23)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (36)
Land (39)
Planeswalker (1)

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