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Innistrad: Crimson Vow Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Wash Away
Average Picked At: 10.61
Total Times Picked: 66
Average Last Seen At: 7.29
Total Times Seen 747
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: So, without Cleaving this, you will be able to counter things like Disturb, but that’s way too narrow and not worth a card. Even with Cleave, this is just Cancel, and that’s usually a card that’s not worth it in Limited. The Double Blue can be kind of rough, as it decreases the frequency with which you’ll be able to leave mana up to counter a thing, and that’s incredibly frustrating, as well as inefficient.
Mischievous Geist // Catlike Curiosity
Average Picked At: 5.69
Total Times Picked: 78
Average Last Seen At: 4.53
Total Times Seen 405
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: Getting in with the 1/1 side of this won’t be super easy, but if you are on the play and play it on turn two, it has a chance. The idea is that you can put Auras on it to really start to get value, and obviously as we’ve seen, there are lots of Auras that would make this into a formidable attacker. Then, when it goes down, it of course becomes an Aura, and one that grants the same ability to another creature. That’s pretty nice, because any time you find a situation where you have an advantageous attack, you can Disturb this and stand a good chance of getting that card.
Whispering Wizard
Average Picked At: 4.26
Total Times Picked: 97
Average Last Seen At: 4.11
Total Times Seen 381
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: The trigger here is quite strong, even if you only get it going once a turn, as those Spirits can really cause a lot of problems to your opponent. Stapling them to every non-creature spell is really nice. I can see this being good in UR spells or UW Auras, as both of those decks will be casting a significant number of non-creature spells.
Valorous Stance
Average Picked At: 3.98
Total Times Picked: 90
Average Last Seen At: 3.26
Total Times Seen 285
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a reprint, and it was pretty nice in Limited last time. We usually get an effect that costs 3 or 4 and kills big things, so having it at two mana is a huge upgrade, and if it doesn’t have a target, the other mode comes up sometimes. You can use it to save a creature, sometimes creating big blow outs. As a removal spell alone I don’t quite think its premium because it is conditional, but the additional mode does enough to give this the kind of grade a card in the lower ranger of “premium” would get.
Twinblade Geist // Twinblade Invocation
Average Picked At: 4.00
Total Times Picked: 76
Average Last Seen At: 3.42
Total Times Seen 269
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This works well within the UW archetype. Having double strike is good for Auras, and then it of course becomes an Aura at some point after it dies, and giving double strike in the right situation can be pretty big. A two mana 1/1 with Double Strike is kind of an alright deal too, and also pairs well with +1/+1 counters.
End the Festivities
Average Picked At: 11.68
Total Times Picked: 195
Average Last Seen At: 9.74
Total Times Seen 2532
Pro Rating: 0.5
Pro Comment: Yeah. No thanks. This is a sideboard card, there aren’t enough X/1s in this format that you want to be doing this.
Welcoming Vampire
Average Picked At: 1.69
Total Times Picked: 45
Average Last Seen At: 1.61
Total Times Seen 59
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is very good. A 3-mana ⅔ Flyer is already like a 2.5, and this comes with an ability that will draw you a card every now and then, and even if you only net one card from it, you’re going to be doing well, anything beyond that, and you’re doing great! Without even trying your deck will have lots of creatures who trigger this.
Arm the Cathars
Average Picked At: 8.12
Total Times Picked: 82
Average Last Seen At: 6.04
Total Times Seen 602
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: +6/+6 worth of stats spread across three creatures and Vigilance is going to be enough to enable attacks on a whole lot of boards, between the stats and the fact that you can still have the creatures hang back to block, which really matters in a race. Sure, you need a board state for this to do its thing, and you have to be a little cautious about when you use it, but it seems like this can bust a game wide open early, and break through a stalled board late, and that seems like a pretty nice overall.
Blood Fountain
Average Picked At: 7.41
Total Times Picked: 224
Average Last Seen At: 6.63
Total Times Seen 1657
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: I always like to have one copy of the the Black card that gets you two creatures back from the graveyard, and that’s what we have here. For 5 mana you get those two creatures and a blood token, and that’s a pretty reasonable rate, especially because you’re paying it in two installments, and can pay the larger part at instant speed! You don’t normally want to overdo it with copies of this kind of card because they tend to not be great early, but this offsets that a bit since it does give you Blood before the other part of the card becomes useful. But yeah, getting two creatures back late can often give you what you need to win the game. I think the first copy of this is a 2.5, with diminishing returns after that.
Falkenrath Celebrants
Average Picked At: 5.79
Total Times Picked: 256
Average Last Seen At: 5.45
Total Times Seen 1310
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a decent 5-drop. A 5-mana 4/4 with Menace is A 2.0 at best, but the two blood tokens it gives you can fuel some stuff or improve your hand.
Grolnok, the Omnivore
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This card is really cool, and also seems amazing! All on its own, a single attack can give you a ton of value. It does need to stay alive for you to get value out of the cards, but the good news is that there are other ways to mill yourself in UG, and turning every permanent you mill into a card effectively in your hand is just absurd. It might take a little bit of work to really get it going, but this is an insane value engine, and that makes it a bomb.
Edgar, Charmed Groom // Edgar Markov's Coffin
Average Picked At: 1.49
Total Times Picked: 39
Average Last Seen At: 1.76
Total Times Seen 53
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: It is pretty challenging to permanently get rid of Edgar, as he will just go back and forth between his Coffin form and his Vampire form, and both are pretty good! Now, its a bit awkward that he is BW, as you won’t be maximizing the number of Vampires you have, but there are a few in White and lots in Black. Even all on his own, you can trade him for something, transform him into a coffin, get some vampire tokens, and eventually bring him back as ac creature to pump those tokens! You won’t have the time to let that play out that way all the time though, as sometimes those vampires will have to chump block to keep you around.
Alchemist's Gambit
Average Picked At: 8.70
Total Times Picked: 33
Average Last Seen At: 5.50
Total Times Seen 219
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: So, without Cleave, this is an unplayable card -- one we’ve basically seen before. Time Walks are great, but the fact that you lose the game after your extra turn is terrible, and makes the uses of this card incredibly narrow. Sure, if you will win the game by taking that extra turn, its worth it, but you won’t end up in that situation often enough to warrant running this. Now, if you do Cleave it, you get a real Time Walk -- but it is an expensive one that doesn’t add to the board in any way. I think you might play this in a very controlling UR deck, but even then, it doesn’t seem incredible.
Piercing Light
Average Picked At: 9.49
Total Times Picked: 182
Average Last Seen At: 7.92
Total Times Seen 2012
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This kills X/2s pretty efficiently, but its situational in two different ways, and I don’t love that. The creature has to be small and attacking or blocking. Scry is some minor additional value, but yeah, this falls well short of being premium removal. Its just a solid playable. I’m giving it 2.5.
Wolf Strike
Average Picked At: 4.69
Total Times Picked: 307
Average Last Seen At: 4.44
Total Times Seen 1110
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is quite good. Even if it isn’t night time, this will be good in your Green decks, as the creature doesn’t fight, it just does damage equal to its power, so its one-sided! If it is night-time, it gets wayyy better, as it can make your creature take down a wider variety of creatures, and even offer you the opportunity to attack more effectively with the creature after it kills something else. You do have to be careful with this kind of card since you can get blown out if you don’t pick your spot carefully, but because its an Instant, you can pick your spot pretty effectively. Its definitely premium removal.
Dreadlight Monstrosity
Average Picked At: 11.57
Total Times Picked: 207
Average Last Seen At: 9.64
Total Times Seen 2585
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This doesn’t seem very good. A 6-mana 5/5 is an ugly rate, even with Ward 2, and yeah – it can become unblockable, but only for a huge chunk of mana, and only if you have a card in exile. Now, by the time you can use the ability it is reasonably likely you have something in exile because of Disturb, but there will be times where that just isn’t the case, and without that ability, this card is really not good. You’ll play it if you’re desperate for a finisher I guess, but you’re hoping for something better.
Daybreak Combatants
Average Picked At: 10.81
Total Times Picked: 209
Average Last Seen At: 9.07
Total Times Seen 2247
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This adds a pretty significant amount of power to the board out of nowhere, thanks to Haste. The boost is going to be enough to enable some attacks you may just not have had before, and the fact it can get in there too seems pretty nice. In a pinch, you can also make this into a 4/2 the turn it comes down, a 4/2 with Haste for three isn’t too shabby.
Patchwork Crawler
Average Picked At: 5.05
Total Times Picked: 20
Average Last Seen At: 4.33
Total Times Seen 149
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a pretty neat card, and not a bad late game mana sink to have around. And, even early sometimes, copying a creature’s ability who died and getting a counter can be better than playing a thing from time to time. But still, it starts out small, and asks for set up, and has a pretty costly ability. Its great late, but kind of meh the rest of the game.
Drogskol Infantry // Drogskol Armaments
Average Picked At: 5.62
Total Times Picked: 269
Average Last Seen At: 5.33
Total Times Seen 1279
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This looks like a nice Common to me! It is a bear on one side, and then can come back as a pretty nice Aura late. Look at it as a creature who can trade and leave an Aura behind, and that sounds pretty good.
Wedding Announcement // Wedding Festivity
Average Picked At: 1.63
Total Times Picked: 43
Average Last Seen At: 1.94
Total Times Seen 54
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This looks pretty good to me. Sure, it will be a bit slow in the late game sometimes, but the fact that it gives you value the turn you play it definitely matters. Generally drawing a card is going to be better than getting a 1/1, but you’ll take either! Then, a few turns later, it becomes an Anthem, and that’s certainly going to make your board into something pretty scary, whether you’ve been making tokens or drawing extra cards, you’re probably going to be able to go pretty wide.
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