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Strixhaven: School of Mages Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
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Furycalm Snarl
Average Picked At: 5.44
Total Times Picked: 52
Average Last Seen At: 4.65
Total Times Seen 267
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: These are good fixing, and they’ll help you splash. Don’t underestimate how nice it is, even in a two-color deck, to have one land that can produce either color, it is really great for your mana base. You should never be first picking these, but I think you should value them over most medium cards in packs if you’re in one or both of the colors it produces.
Spirit Summoning
Average Picked At: 7.58
Total Times Picked: 398
Average Last Seen At: 7.01
Total Times Seen 2647
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: RW has some spirit synergies, so this gets a few extra points. It is a nice lesson to have like all the other summonings, because it can pretty much always do something.
Average Picked At: 11.92
Total Times Picked: 249
Average Last Seen At: 9.97
Total Times Seen 3483
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a narrow mana leak, and in most formats I would think it is pretty reasonable, since creatures are so plentiful. This format is an odd one though, with fewer creatures than normal and way more instants and sorceries, so this ends up being more narrow than it normally would be, and it still has the problem of having diminishing values as the game goes on, because your opponent will just be able to pay the mana eventually.
Rushed Rebirth
Average Picked At: 8.36
Total Times Picked: 39
Average Last Seen At: 5.76
Total Times Seen 326
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This kind of effect can be pretty disappointing, just because you need things to line up right when you have the mana up. Using this on a creature that’s going to get removed will feel fine, but even that is just a 2-for-2, and nothing crazy. I just feel like this type of card always underperforms in Limited, so I’m not expecting big things from this.
Professor Onyx
Average Picked At: 1.33
Total Times Picked: 21
Average Last Seen At: 1.31
Total Times Seen 26
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Unsurprisingly, this Planeswalker is really strong. Her -3 will typically kill whatever your opponent’s best creature is. And yeah, sometimes it won’t line up that way and that will be annoying, but you’re still getting rid of something pretty good! If you’re behind, you’ll probably start with that -3 most of the time. If you’re ahead, you can use her +1 for amazing card selection as well as add some stuff to the graveyard. She’s also got a powerful static ability -- draining your opponent 2 life for every instant or sorcery you play is not a small thing, that can really alter races. Her ultimate can win the game, though it is a little inconsistent. The one thing she lacks is a way to protect herself, but I think having the card draw and removal options + a powerful static ability is enough for me to get over that.
Brackish Trudge
Average Picked At: 5.74
Total Times Picked: 144
Average Last Seen At: 5.31
Total Times Seen 816
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a powerful life gain payoff. It begins as a 3-mana 4/2 that comes into play tapped, which is already a fairly passable card – this returning to your hand any time you gain any amount of life is going to really be a problem for your opponent in the long run, as it has the kind of size that may just let it attack every single turn, since the downside of it trading with something is so minimal. There’s enough life gain in this set that this looks like a real value engine.
Tend the Pests
Average Picked At: 9.33
Total Times Picked: 114
Average Last Seen At: 6.95
Total Times Seen 1095
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Using this in response to removal and stuff like that will feel especially good, but it won’t feel as bad to use in other situations either. Besides, there are a lot of Sacrifice outlets and the like in BG in this set, so all those Pests can really come in handy. The life they gain you matters too! You do need a creature large enough to make it worth it, but that’s not too difficult.
The Biblioplex
Average Picked At: 6.37
Total Times Picked: 46
Average Last Seen At: 5.20
Total Times Seen 281
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a fun reference to the FIRST TIME Wizards printed a land that represented a library -- suffice it to say, this time around it isn’t quite as good, but it is still a really great utility land. Holding on to 7 cards will be a challenge, so most of the time when you find yourself able to use the Biblioplex, you’ll be doing it in the late game as a mana sink when your hand is empty. Decks in this format will have more spells than we’re used to seeing too, so it will draw you a card pretty often. That’s huge late game upside that can help you win a game. Having a land turn into a game-winning value engine late is pretty incredible.
Sedgemoor Witch
Average Picked At: 1.32
Total Times Picked: 74
Average Last Seen At: 1.97
Total Times Seen 99
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This is a really good 3-mana creature. It comes with good French Vanilla stats and Ward, which makes it so that no matter what you’ll at least hurt your opponent a little bit, and a 3/2 with Menace can often attack pretty readily in the early game. Then you add a very powerful Magecraft trigger to the mix, and we’re talking about a bomb. If she really starts churning out those tokens, your opponent will be done. I think this is always going to feel good to play and always give you some value, and will really take over games if left unchecked.
Dragonsguard Elite
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: This is really good. A two mana 2/2 with Prowess is usually pretty nice, and in most ways, this is an upgrade. Getting a permanent boost is big, and then in the late game it will become too big for most boards thanks to the ability to double counters.
Reflective Golem
Average Picked At: 7.70
Total Times Picked: 97
Average Last Seen At: 6.21
Total Times Seen 929
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.0
Pro Comment: This will be nice with fight spells and tricks. Copying those kinds of things will feel great. It has mediocre stats and needs the right deck composition to really thrive, though.
Detention Vortex
Average Picked At: 12.22
Total Times Picked: 83
Average Last Seen At: 8.98
Total Times Seen 1362
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This isn’t great. It might look like an efficient removal spell, but it basically signs you up to go down a card in the future, because your opponent can just pay some mana to get rid of it. It isn’t completely horrendous in more aggressive BW decks, since no matter what it does make a creature unable to block for a turn – but that’s pretty much the only place you’ll play this, and even then it won’t always make the cut.
Inkling Summoning
Average Picked At: 5.61
Total Times Picked: 395
Average Last Seen At: 5.34
Total Times Seen 1961
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This Lesson is nice because it isn’t a complete disaster if you don’t get any cards with Learn and play it in your main deck. A three mana 2/1 with Flying is just fine, and this also triggers all the mage craft stuff of course. Obviously, if you have Learn, it is going to usually be better in the sideboard.
Oggyar Battle-Seer
Average Picked At: 12.96
Total Times Picked: 245
Average Last Seen At: 10.64
Total Times Seen 3803
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This has mediocre stats, even with Haste, and while tapping to Scry is good, I don’t think it does enough to overcome this card’s inefficiency. You won’t always play this.
Beledros Witherbloom
Average Picked At: 1.54
Total Times Picked: 28
Average Last Seen At: 1.88
Total Times Seen 35
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: You know, for an elder dragon, I gotta say, I’m not ultra impressed. 7-mana for a 4/4 flyer is kind of a rough rate, and while getting a 1/1 Pest every upkeep -- which by the way, includes your opponents -- while getting those tokens is nice, the other ability on this card will basically never come up in Limited! There just won’t be a reason to use all that mana by the time Beledros is out there. Now, I don’t think he’s bad, left unchecked he floods the board with PEsts and attacks pretty hard in the air -- but he’s also incredibly fragile at only 4 toughness -- lots of stuff in this set can kill him. But generally, you will get at least one Pest out of it before he dies, so there’s that.
Venerable Warsinger
Average Picked At: 2.93
Total Times Picked: 46
Average Last Seen At: 3.12
Total Times Seen 129
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a cool card. So, three mana for a 3/3 with Vigilance and Trample is already something you’d always play! Then you factor in the ability to reanimate creatures DIRECTLY TO THE BOARD and you end up with something incredibly strong. It doesn’t have incredible size, and you won’t always be able to reanimate stuff with it, but I think you’ll be able to often enough that this is pretty good.
Blood Age General
Average Picked At: 12.13
Total Times Picked: 253
Average Last Seen At: 10.26
Total Times Seen 3626
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a Bear with some nice upside for the RW deck, which will have plenty of Spirits.
Sudden Breakthrough
Average Picked At: 12.57
Total Times Picked: 269
Average Last Seen At: 10.44
Total Times Seen 3745
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a decent trick -- it gives a boost large enough for your creature to win combat most of the time -- and it gives you a Treasure for some fixing and ramping. But you’ll probably cut it a lot, after all, it is still a trick -- and that means it is risky and highly situational.
Torrent Sculptor
Average Picked At: 3.33
Total Times Picked: 36
Average Last Seen At: 3.06
Total Times Seen 118
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Neither side of this is really overwhelmingly powerful, but they both have their uses. Sometimes you’ll be able to make the Sculptor into a pretty scary creature, especially because Ward will make it harder to kill -- but I think counting on more than a couple of +1/+1 counters will be a mistake most of the time. Meanwhile, the Sonata side rummages and can turn most cards you discard into a removal spell, and that’s something I can get behind -- though of course, sometimes you won’t be able to do anything meaningful with it, and that will be rough.
Galazeth Prismari
Average Picked At: 1.65
Total Times Picked: 31
Average Last Seen At: 1.53
Total Times Seen 44
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: Prismari is all about casting big spells, and Galazeth definitely makes that clear! A 4-mana ¾ with Flying that gives you a Treasure is already a really nice card, it has good stats and helps you fix and ramp. Adding the additional upside that all of your Artifacts -- including other treasures -- can now tap for mana of any color to cast spells, and you’re looking at something pretty nice! This is a bomb that will give you the big mana you want in this color pair, while also being a really efficient creature.
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