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Streets of New Capenna Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Arc Spitter
Average Picked At: 11.95
Total Times Picked: 38
Average Last Seen At: 9.29
Total Times Seen 676
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This is an interesting piece of Equipment. My first instinct is that this is probably not very good, since it doesn’t augment the stats of the creature you put it on, but this is a card where threat of activation is going to be very real, as it is relatively cheap to take down a blocking creature with the effect. Now, it does absolutely nothing when you’re on the back foot, and is only good if you’re the beat down, but I think this might be a little better than it looks. It is cheap to cast, cheap to equip, and its ability is also reasonably costed, so much so that it will make people really think about whether they want to block. Also, if you combine this with death touch it can be particularly nasty! I think in aggressive decks this is actually a decent playable.
Rabble Rousing
Average Picked At: 1.23
Total Times Picked: 26
Average Last Seen At: 1.26
Total Times Seen 28
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This looks pretty good, as it can quickly help you go crazy wide, and it will get especially spicy alongside cards with Alliance. The downside of a card like this is that it does stone nothing if you’re behind, since you need to be attacking to generate value, but Rabble Rousing can upgrade your board enough that you can attack effectively when you just couldn’t before you played it. Getting the Hideaway card out of this isn’t going to be super easy, but it is certainly doable.
Raffine's Silencer
Average Picked At: 3.54
Total Times Picked: 48
Average Last Seen At: 3.03
Total Times Seen 206
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This can often be a 3-mana 2/2 that gives -2/-2 to something when it dies, and that’s the kind of thing that can generate a 2-for-1. Even if it is only a 1/1 that loots once you’re getting a decent deal. It gets a lot better if you have other ways to pump it, but even on its own you end up with a decent card.
Crew Captain
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is going to be pretty scary the turn it comes down, as the combination of Haste, indestructibility, and 4 power means there won’t always be a good way to stop this. That said, there are a lot of tokens in the format that can just chump this, and there will be plenty of times where just taking 4 isn’t going to hurt your opponent that much. It does stick around as a 4/2 – and that’s nice – but I’m not super impressed with this. If you play it on turn three it will feel pretty good, but the more developed your opponents board is, the less impressive it becomes. You’ll play it when you’re all three of these colors of course, but it definitely isn’t the kind of thing that really pulls you in that direction.
Riveteers Initiate
Average Picked At: 9.00
Total Times Picked: 154
Average Last Seen At: 8.36
Total Times Seen 1375
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: Like most of this cycle, this is solid. It has okay base stats, and it can gain a useful keyword! Deathtouch does mean it can trade with anything, and that’s nice.
Brokers Charm
Average Picked At: 5.01
Total Times Picked: 68
Average Last Seen At: 4.14
Total Times Seen 274
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: The first mode on this is a nice removal spell, even if it is a little bit situational – and also a little dangerous if you try to use it when your opponent has mana up. Its also nice that this lets you have a real card in your deck that can also hate on Enchantments, or even be an instant speed divination.
Cleanup Crew
Average Picked At: 3.50
Total Times Picked: 86
Average Last Seen At: 3.22
Total Times Seen 235
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: I always love modal cards, and this is a sweet one! You’ll always be able to get something pretty nice out of it. At worst, you get a Honey Mammoth-type creature – in other words, a 6-mana 6/6 that gains you 4 life, and that kind of creature is usually great top-curve in many decks, allowing them to stabilize. But then it comes with options that let it Naturalize something or hate on the graveyard. You’ll get the most value if you have an Enchantment or Artifact to blow up, but the fail case of Honey Mammoth is a great floor, and there’s a nice ceiling here.
Vivien on the Hunt
Average Picked At: 1.12
Total Times Picked: 8
Average Last Seen At: 1.10
Total Times Seen 10
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: This Vivien looks great. She can protect herself by using her -1 to generate large tokens, and her +2 and +1 abilities both give you some pretty nice effects. The +2 can help you Birthing Pod creatures in play to replace them with something better, and her +1 will often draw you a couple of cards. So yeah, she protect herself and draws you cards, and those are the kinds of things you want your planeswalkers to do. She’s a bomb.
Most Wanted
Average Picked At: 12.20
Total Times Picked: 120
Average Last Seen At: 10.04
Total Times Seen 1616
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: Flash Auras can be nice, since they are sort of like combat tricks that leave some permanent value behind, but only giving +1 to toughness does mean this won’t save your creature as often as you’d probably like. Getting two Treasure when the creature dies does soften the blow if you get 2-for-1’d, but probably not by enough for me to excited about this.
For the Family
Average Picked At: 9.98
Total Times Picked: 126
Average Last Seen At: 8.60
Total Times Seen 1452
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This seems like a solid trick. One for +2/+2 usually plays reasonably well, and the multiple creature upside is pretty legit.
Incandescent Aria
Average Picked At: 5.81
Total Times Picked: 21
Average Last Seen At: 4.03
Total Times Seen 98
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Doing 3 damage to everything for three tends to be a pretty good rate, but the whole nontoken thing here is interesting. Because this is a Cabaretti card, you are more likely to have tokens than your opponent, but not blowing up tokens does mean that this doesn’t kill a bunch of the small things that you do want to kill in this format. So, not only can this not kill things with 4 toughness or greater, it can’t kill tokens, and that is definitely something that limits it. It is still more likely to go in your favor if you’re the Cabaretti player, but this type of card is going to be really hit or miss.
A-Shattered Seraph
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: 7 mana is a lot, especially for a 4/5 with Flying. The life it gains you does make that hurt a little bit less, as does the fact that it fixes your mana.
Rooftop Nuisance
Average Picked At: 7.67
Total Times Picked: 151
Average Last Seen At: 6.59
Total Times Seen 1063
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: We usually see this effect as an Instant, and being a Sorcery instead is definitely a downgrade. If it is an instant, you get to stop two rounds of attacks and blocks when you cast it. As a Sorcery, you only stop one attack – though you still make your opponent unable to block with that creature for two turns, which is usually the best part about this card anyway. So, adding a very cheap Casualty option to the card is pretty appealing – locking down two creatures and drawing two cards for only three mana is pretty great, even if you lose a token. This is going to end up closing out a lot of games in this format.
Caldaia Strongarm
Average Picked At: 7.02
Total Times Picked: 177
Average Last Seen At: 6.41
Total Times Seen 1080
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This looks like a solid Common. Cast the normal way, it gives you a 5-mana ⅘ – which isn’t great, but that’s the fail case of the card. It can do a lot more than that! You can of course put the counters on another creature, and that can add some significant additional damage to the board immediately. And if adding as much damage to the board as quickly as possible is your thing, you can Blitz this, which lets you ad ⅘ worth of stats to the board for only 4 mana, and then you get to draw a card to replace it! You’ll often be able to get close to a card of value out of it when you do Blitz it, so that’s not a bad deal, especially because it makes sure to leave something on the board even once it sacrifices itself.
Skybridge Towers
Average Picked At: 6.24
Total Times Picked: 166
Average Last Seen At: 5.41
Total Times Seen 914
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: These offer good fixing, and being able to pitch them for a whole card in the late game is really nice, as it offers you some flood insurance and gives you somethign to do with all your mana. Like most duals, this is something you should value as a C+. It will really help your mana, and that’s more important than normal in a set with a big 3-color focus.
Lagrella, the Magpie
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: They did not do a great job of templating this card so its sort of confusing, but basically it is a creature that can come into play and exile one creature your opponent controls and one creature you control. So, it is a Banisher Priest with some additional upside. You don’t have to do both, you can do one or the other if you want to. Normally, when a creature like this dies it only benefits your opponent, but because you can get a creature back – and with +1/+1 counters – when Lagrella dies, that changes things up a bit. Now, it won’t always be wise to exile your own thing with her, but if it is immobilized by an Aura, or has lost a necessary shield counter, or is a small creature with a good enter the battlefield ability, it can be worth doing. This seems really god overall.
Fight Rigging
Average Picked At: 1.38
Total Times Picked: 21
Average Last Seen At: 1.40
Total Times Seen 30
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: An Enchantment that gives you a counter every turn is already a pretty good card, and the hideaway upside here isn't completely inaccessible either.
A-Celebrity Fencer
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This starts with decent stats and can grow pretty rapidly in the format’s White decks.
Refuse to Yield
Average Picked At: 10.18
Total Times Picked: 38
Average Last Seen At: 7.47
Total Times Seen 547
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: +2 power for two mana doesn’t make for a great trick, even with a huge toughness boost. We usually get +2/+2 for a single mana, so paying twice that for the toughness boost isn’t the best thing ever. This is because it doesn’t help actually take down the opposing creature as much. Your creature has to have higher power on average to win the combat. Now, the upside is you can use Refuse to Yield to save a creature from damage-based removal, and I think as a whole that makes this a trick you’ll play sometimes, but it will get cut a decent chunk of the time too.
Skybridge Towers
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: These offer good fixing, and being able to pitch them for a whole card in the late game is really nice, as it offers you some flood insurance and gives you somethign to do with all your mana. Like most duals, this is something you should value as a C+. It will really help your mana, and that’s more important than normal in a set with a big 3-color focus.
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