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Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Scaled Herbalist
Average Picked At: 12.14
Total Times Picked: 196
Average Last Seen At: 9.58
Total Times Seen 3038
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: When you get this down early, it will feel pretty nice. It doesn’t have the best stats, but you are likely to have the extra lands necessary to take advantage of its ability. In the mid-to-late-game it becomes increasingly useless though, unless you’re able to draw a whole bunch of cards
Yuan-Ti Malison
Average Picked At: 2.11
Total Times Picked: 45
Average Last Seen At: 2.33
Total Times Seen 85
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Woo boy, this is a very powerful two drop, the kind that can take over a game, and that’s not something one often says about two drops! It can be unblockable for as long as you want it to be, and that part of the card alone would be a card you basically never cut. The adventure trigger is amazing, and will quickly give you a ton of value. Left unchecked, this two drop can legitimately end games. I do think it falls just short of bomb status since it is so easy to kill, but it gets about as close as any two drop can get.
Secret Door
Average Picked At: 11.37
Total Times Picked: 222
Average Last Seen At: 9.27
Total Times Seen 3038
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: In the early game, this can block reasonably well, and in the late game it has an ability that is a reasonable mana sink, and one that can actually give you a ton of value. Only Venturing at Sorcery speed is rough of course, because you have to telegraph to your opponent you won’t be interacting with them, but if you’re flooding out, this ability is going to look pretty good. You probably still don’t play this a ton though.
Shambling Ghast
Average Picked At: 6.95
Total Times Picked: 313
Average Last Seen At: 6.41
Total Times Seen 1980
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This looks like a nice little one drop to me. It can be a real pain if your opponent has two X/1s in play, since you can make a two-for-one out of your one drop, and those situations will happen. And the good news is, when the -1/-1 part isn’t useful -- and it won’t always be -- you get to make a treasure, which means this little one drop gives you fixing and ramp pretty early on in the game.
Devoted Paladin
Average Picked At: 8.84
Total Times Picked: 297
Average Last Seen At: 8.03
Total Times Seen 2606
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Pumping your whole board and giving it Vigilance almost always seems to allow for some serious attacking on your part. After all, your creatures are bigger, and you’re going to be able to leave them all back as blockers even if you’re going to attack with them! We’ve seen similar cards like Dawnfeather Eagle end up great in Limited, and this format does look like it has the means to go wide effectively, and if that’s true, the Paladin is going to be one of the cards you want the most to round out your top curve.
Wild Shape
Average Picked At: 10.20
Total Times Picked: 86
Average Last Seen At: 7.53
Total Times Seen 972
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: I’m not usually a big fan of tricks that grant hexproof, they are just too situational! But this gets around that with some pretty nice modality. You can still get Hexproof if you need it, but it has two other modes that can be useful in different situations, and having an option between those three things is pretty nice, though not incredibly. A 1/5 with Reach is probably just going to enable a block you didn’t have before, which isn’t a great thing to give up a card for most of the time, and making something into a 3/3 with Trample won’t always matter either. So, the 1/3 option is probably the best one. Still, for only one mana this does a kind of okay job, and it is certainly decent
The Book of Exalted Deeds
Average Picked At: 2.47
Total Times Picked: 19
Average Last Seen At: 2.48
Total Times Seen 59
Pro Rating: 0.5 // 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a pretty serious build around. This Book does have the bonus of overlapping with the GW archetype, but it still seems like you have do to a ton of work for this thing to do anything. You really need to be making Angels with it or it will be a complete dud. The mana cost is actually pretty challenging too in your typical Limited deck, and you really want to get this down before you start gaining life, but doing that will not be easy. There are very few ways to gain 3 or more life with a single card in this format, so to get the Angels, you’ll have to string multiple life gain effects together in most cases.
Average Picked At: 1.35
Total Times Picked: 23
Average Last Seen At: 1.75
Total Times Seen 33
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: If you’re paying 6 for a planeswalker, he’d better be good! And Mordenkainen is. The best Limited planeswalkers are the ones that can do at least two of the three following things: Draw you cards, protect themselves, or act as removal. Mordenkainen does the first two of those. His +2 gives you some powerful card draw and card selection that rapidly raises his loyalty. And, his -2 creates a token that can protect him. Now, it is a little annoying that you have to make sure you have at least one card in your hand all the time for the token to not die, but the upside is that you can also make it significant larger. Two cards in your hand makes it a 4/4, and that’s just going to happen a lot, especially because he draws you cards! If you managed to get to his ultimate, he’ll then draw you a whole bunch of cards, and it is hard not to lose at that point. Mostly, you’ll probably alternate between +2 and -2 with him most of the time, and that will be plenty to win you the game.
Average Picked At: 11.42
Total Times Picked: 199
Average Last Seen At: 9.15
Total Times Seen 2858
Pro Rating: 0.5
Pro Comment: This is a weird card to see these days, since “sideboard” type cards are becoming less and less of a thing in Limited. Instead, they give us modal cards that do sideboard-type things, but have much better fail case than sideboard cards. Anyway, this is something you should pretty much never main deck, but not too terrible if you go up against an opponent with enough targets.
Asmodeus the Archfiend
Average Picked At: 3.47
Total Times Picked: 40
Average Last Seen At: 3.21
Total Times Seen 136
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: 6 –mana for a 6/6 is nice, but the downside of course is that you can’t really draw cards when it is in play, instead they get exiled. You can get those cards back of course, but it will cost you some life. Paying three black to draw 7 and then an additional black to get those 7 cards will cost a lot of life, but it seems like in most scenarios you will get pretty insurmountable card advantage out of that, and 7 life will be worth it. The fact it costs triple black to draw those seven is a little annoying, as that isn’t mana that you’ll always have in Limited. In general, I think Asmodeus will sometimes feel like more downside than upside in Limited, but the amount of power he brings Is pretty amazing, though certainly not bomb level. That downside is too significant.
Clattering Skeletons
Average Picked At: 8.13
Total Times Picked: 345
Average Last Seen At: 7.24
Total Times Seen 2329
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 4/3 is fine, and this comes with a nice enough death trigger. Venturing is going to be a big part of this format -- think learn/lessons in Strixhaven -- so any card that can do it for you is going to be a little better than it looks.
Hired Hexblade
Average Picked At: 8.24
Total Times Picked: 358
Average Last Seen At: 7.52
Total Times Seen 2427
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This seems like a solid card. Worst-case, you have a grizzly bear, and best case you have a two mana 2/2 that draws you a card -- which is just a great deal. There is enough treasure in this set that casting this with it isn’t a pipe dream, but you probably shouldn’t expect to be able to do it on turn two. Still, playing this later, once you have that treasure, will be nice since it will have relevance in the late game too when you do it.
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: A two-mana 3/2 that enters tapped would already be a decent playable, but the additional effect here is quite good. Most of the time you won’t be making more than one Zombie, but that’s fine. if you are up against this card, trading with it will feel pretty miserable because of that Zombie token. You can even triple block something huge to take it down and still get back a little bit of value. Basically, it is a nice attacker and blocker that replaces itself. It isn’t super exciting, but it is definitely pretty good.
Gnoll Hunter
Average Picked At: 6.01
Total Times Picked: 322
Average Last Seen At: 5.84
Total Times Seen 1809
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a fine two drop. It is a bear as a baseline, and it can get bigger if it has enough friends. That’s good enough upside for this to be a nice two-drop for Green decks.
Split the Party
Average Picked At: 10.06
Total Times Picked: 98
Average Last Seen At: 7.71
Total Times Seen 1069
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a unique design for a bounce spell, and I think most of the time it will be pretty alright. You probably want to be bouncing two things with it to feel good about the amount of mana you spend on it, and you can do that as long as they have three creatures since it is rounded up. There will be times where it just doesn’t matter though, even when you bounce a couple of things. A decent chunk of the time, this will either simply delay the inevitable. This kind of effect does not allow you to trade card-for-card and is pure tempo, so keep that in mind. I think overall, that just makes this a 2.5
Moon-Blessed Cleric
Average Picked At: 6.74
Total Times Picked: 109
Average Last Seen At: 5.25
Total Times Seen 699
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This does a pretty good Heliod’s Pilgrim impression. It can’t tutor the card right to your hand, but it lets you get any kind of Enchantment, not an Aura, and it also comes with better stats for the cost, so I think it will end up playing very similarly to the Pilgrim, who tends to be a pretty nice card to have in most limited formats. Obviously you need some Enchantments to really get it going, but that doesn’t seem like a difficult hurdle.
Forsworn Paladin
Average Picked At: 1.94
Total Times Picked: 48
Average Last Seen At: 2.03
Total Times Seen 76
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This looks pretty good. First, it provides some nice fixing and ramp since it can churn out treasure, and then it also has an ability that is a pretty potent Treasure payoff. Even without treasure, the ability to pump something +2/+0 would feel pretty good, but if you can give that thing death touch, that’s when things will get really interesting. This is nice too, because one of the things it looks like treasure decks will want is mana sinks, and Forsworn Paladin is nice there as well. On top of all of that, it is a one mana 1/1 with Menace, a creature that can attack fairly effectively in the early game, and which can pump itself with its ability, so if you have the ability to give it death touch, you’ll be taking down two things no matter how your opponent blocks. The whole package makes for quite an impressive one drop.
Barbarian Class
Average Picked At: 7.88
Total Times Picked: 104
Average Last Seen At: 6.19
Total Times Seen 788
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.0
Pro Comment: The base level of this one probably wouldn’t be worth it all on its own, even with all the d20 stuff in the set. It just won’t create a different outcome all that often, though obviously it does make those d20 cards better. Once you add level two, you are getting a very real payoff for rolling dice, as +2/+0 and Menace is a pretty big deal, and then Level 3 adding Haste to the mix -- regardless of Dice being rolled, seems nice. So, how good would this be if you just paid 6 up front for all of this? Well, not amazing, but paying it in installments is obviously better. Still, I think your deck will be dependent enough on having dice effects that this won’t really work in every deck, and even when it does I don’t see it being amazing. Because it is so dependent on dice, I think this needs a buildaround grade, because in your Average red deck with like 3-4 dice effects, it probably isn’t worth it. You probably need 7+ to get there.
The Tarrasque
Average Picked At: 1.69
Total Times Picked: 16
Average Last Seen At: 2.20
Total Times Seen 40
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 4.5
Pro Comment: This needs a build around grade. If you can build a good enough ramp deck, this is an insane win condition. Ward 10 is basically hexbroof, and Haste + fighting every time it attacks will quickly decimate your opponent. But 9 mana is a lot, and it will just be unobtainable in most Limited decks. However, it does look like UG can probably achieve it in this format if the draft goes really well, and this will be awesome there
Soulknife Spy
Average Picked At: 7.13
Total Times Picked: 299
Average Last Seen At: 6.80
Total Times Seen 2063
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Creatures with this combat trigger tend to be pretty nice in Limited, and this one has more reasonable stats than the ones we usually see at lower rarities. Drawing a card is big, and is the kind of thing your opponent will have to account for one way or another, or the extra cards this gets you will help you win the game. It doesn’t hurt that UB has a significant number of ways to make the creature evasive, either! One particularly nasty combo that you’ll see a lot, because the two cards are Common and Uncommon two will be Fly + Soulknife spy.
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