Commander - Child of Alara Chaos

10 32 9 41 15
18 46 0 35

This is a 5-c chaos deck I built for someone on Fiverr. If you want a deck built, you can find me on Fiverr as genoslugcs. Without further ado, let's get into the gnarlyness!

The Deck

First things first, the commander I choose for the deck is Child of Alaraimage. We wanted to be in five colors here, and what better way to do it than a nuke on a stick? We have a cascade package that can spam the board with monstrosities and create some insane chain reactions and, of course, a plethora of cards to induce frustration, turn the game on its head on a dime, stop players from playing the game at all, and generally unpleasant things. So, let's break it all down some.

The Cascade Package

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Cascade is, by nature, chaotic. Not only will opponents have no idea what's about to happen, but you won't either! But you can rest assured that they won't be happy about anything you put into play. This also allows you to have some fun playing big, nasty spells for no mana.

Another significant upside is that these cascade cards can start insane chain reactions. Many cards allow you (and other players) to play things for free. Here's a quick list:

These cards are often disruptive to whatever opponents want to do and stacked in your favor. The spells you'll put into play for free will be a lot worse than there's, and a lot of yours will cascade into even more. Now, let's move on to the spells that really screw with the game.

The Fun Stuff

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The cards in this category are the ones that turn the game on its head. Some steal creatures and give them to others; some make lands tap for different colors (great for you... Everyone else, maybe not.:), others give extra turns, and some counter just about everything someone plays. Here is a nice sample of what I'm talking about:

Interaction, Ramp, And One More Thing

Nearly every card in the deck is devoted to making everyone else have a bad time. That said, there are still adequate amounts of ramp and some general (albeit chaotic Chaos Warpimage & Tibalt's Trickeryimage) removal. It's not about winning, but I want you to be in the game as long as possible and able to cast your spells. So, you have a few ramp cards and plenty of removal.

The "one more thing" is this:


I added this as an insult-to-injury card. Now, players won't even be able to escape the game via death. Like it or not, they're in for some torture. \m/


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Last Updated: 23 Jan 2024
Created: 23 Jan 2024
830 56 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (86 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (46)
Land (35)

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