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Strixhaven: School of Mages Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Average Picked At: 8.49
Total Times Picked: 415
Average Last Seen At: 8.04
Total Times Seen 2876
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: A three-mana 2/2 that makes a 1/1 is generally pretty good in Limited, and this comes with significant upside between the +1/+1 counter and the additional value you can get from having other fractals. This seems like a card in the lower range of first pickable, and a really strong Common.
Double Major
Average Picked At: 6.88
Total Times Picked: 42
Average Last Seen At: 5.31
Total Times Seen 257
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is cheap enough that I think I can get behind playing it all the time in UG decks. Sure, copying your 2/2 with it won’t feel amazing, but it is perfectly fine, and if you can copy your 4 drop with it you’ll be in pretty good shape in terms of what you get in return for your mana. UG is a ramp color pair too, so having the extra mana to do this is reasonably likely. Overall, I don’t think this it is amazing -- after all, you need to pair it with something else for it to even do anything.
Shadrix Silverquill
Average Picked At: 1.17
Total Times Picked: 29
Average Last Seen At: 2.06
Total Times Seen 35
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a good card, albeit a kind of weird one. A 5-mana ⅖ with Flying and Double Strike is already pretty nice -- those are just great stats on an evasive creature! Then, he gives you a powerful effect every combat...though he also gives your opponent a pretty powerful one too. Now, you are the one who gets to decide which one they get and which one you get, and you can always pick the option that most benefits you and the one that least benefits them, but no matter what you’re giving them, they’re going to be getting something reasonably nice. Most of the time, I would imagine if you’re wide enough you’ll give yourself the counters and let them draw a card, for example. Giving them the Flyer seems particularly bad since it gives them a free way to block Shadrix -- but sometimes giving them counters will be fine too, because sometimes those aren’t a big help. Shadrix will normally take over games, but there will be some times where you can’t find a good option to give your opponent, which will be rough.
Maelstrom Muse
Average Picked At: 5.62
Total Times Picked: 128
Average Last Seen At: 4.63
Total Times Seen 638
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: It is pretty nice that this can decrease the cost of your spells by 2 mana, even on its own - - and that’s in addition to actually have nice stats for the cost. You won’t always be able to take advantage of that mana reduction, but UR is all about big spells, so it will probably come up more than you might think at first.
Accomplished Alchemist
Average Picked At: 4.15
Total Times Picked: 52
Average Last Seen At: 3.48
Total Times Seen 157
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This has nice defensive stats and does a good job ramping and fixing, and sometimes you’ll be able to get even more mana out of it, provided you gained life. This format looks like it has enough life gain and enough reasons to ramp that I think this is pretty darn good.
Dina, Soul Steeper
Average Picked At: 5.83
Total Times Picked: 124
Average Last Seen At: 4.88
Total Times Seen 659
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is a powerful life gain payoff. The ideal thing to do with her ability is going to be to sacrifice a pest token, at which point you start draining your opponent with Dina in play, in addition to raising her power. She can also just potentially threaten a bunch of damage when she attacks, which is always a nice thing to make your opponent contend with.
Silverquill Apprentice
Average Picked At: 7.13
Total Times Picked: 138
Average Last Seen At: 6.08
Total Times Seen 911
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: So this seems pretty underwhelming to me. Sure, getting a bonus when you play spells is great but...like, +1/+0 just seems like such a spell bonus. It will matter to be sure, but it just isn’t enough for me to really get excited about. BW is all about aggressive spell stuff though, so it fits in just fine.
Fortifying Draught
Average Picked At: 9.69
Total Times Picked: 141
Average Last Seen At: 7.44
Total Times Seen 1198
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This seems like a solid trick to me. You’ll always get 2 life and at least +2/+2 out of it, and that is something an aggro deck would probably already play a copy of most of the time, but then you factor in the potential for a bigger boost, and you get an even better trick. Making this be better than Giant Growth isn’t going to be SUPER hard.
Verdant Mastery
Average Picked At: 7.27
Total Times Picked: 44
Average Last Seen At: 5.14
Total Times Seen 263
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: While ramping and fixing are nice in Limited, most of the time big expensive ramp spells like this aren’t so good. You do get four lands out of the deal which is pretty awesome, and two of them even come into play! But you also just spent a ton of mana without an immediate impact on the board of any kind! And, the alternate cost here generally won’t be worth it, since giving your opponent a land seems pretty painful to me. I think you’ll run this in some UR and UG decks because you are super into mana and fixing.
Thunderous Orator
Average Picked At: 4.42
Total Times Picked: 139
Average Last Seen At: 3.84
Total Times Seen 545
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a kind of reasonable card just as a French Vanilla creature, so when you add the rest to the mix it gets quite good. Being able to gain whatever key words it friends has will sometimes be awesome. That said, he will also sometimes be a two mana 2/2 with Vigilance and that’s it -- which is fine. Just don’t expect him to always be always taking to the sky or anything. He will gain other keyword abilities often enough though to be a relevant card at multiple stages of the game.
Velomachus Lorehold
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: This costs 7, but it does enough at that mana cost to be a bomb anyway. The keywords are nice, and will enable it to attack the turn it comes down, meaning you’ll probably get the free spell out of it even if your opponent untapped and kills him, and by then the value Velomachus will have given you will be plenty! And, if they don’t kill him, well -- they just lose. He will hit them hard in the air and give you a free spell every turn.
Culmination of Studies
Average Picked At: 9.11
Total Times Picked: 38
Average Last Seen At: 6.09
Total Times Seen 359
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: So, UR is all about having a bunch of mana, so pumping significant mana into X will be easier than it might first seem. So the lands give you treasure, and that will make it easier for you to cast the spells you draw for Blue cards you hit. Hitting Red cards damages the opponent, and sometimes this will just be able to close them out. If you’re a straight up UR deck, virtually every card in your deck will give you one of these effects. But the question becomes, how much mana do you need to spend to feel like this is working out for you? If you pay 6 total mana and exile 4 cards, there’s a good chance you’ll do something like get a treasure, draw a card, and do 2 to your opponent. That’s...not very good. I think the main plan with this is to really have it be a win condition in the late game when you have a ton of mana – and UR can certainly do that -- but that also means it is pretty terrible in the early game.
Shalie, Dean of Radiance
Average Picked At: 1.86
Total Times Picked: 44
Average Last Seen At: 1.94
Total Times Seen 67
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Like all the Deans, both sides are pretty good. Shaile’s ability to put counters on new creatures is really good, especially because with Flying and Vigilance, Shaile can get an attack in before using the ability. Meanwhile, Emrbose is a little bit weirder of a card, but he has a lot to offer! He can make your creatures bigger with his first ability, though you’ll normally want to make sure it can survive the two damage -- so in other words, it needs to have at least two toughness before the counter. He’ll also be able to pick off opposing X/1s with that ability, which is nice additional flexibility. Then, the +1/+1 counter payoff he has is nice, as drawing a card any time one of your creatures with a counter dies is powerful -- and it might even give you a reason to use his ability on one of your X/1s, since it will basically amount to sacrificing and drawing a card.
Inkling Summoning
Average Picked At: 5.61
Total Times Picked: 395
Average Last Seen At: 5.34
Total Times Seen 1961
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This Lesson is nice because it isn’t a complete disaster if you don’t get any cards with Learn and play it in your main deck. A three mana 2/1 with Flying is just fine, and this also triggers all the mage craft stuff of course. Obviously, if you have Learn, it is going to usually be better in the sideboard.
Mage Hunters' Onslaught
Average Picked At: 4.41
Total Times Picked: 416
Average Last Seen At: 4.53
Total Times Seen 1536
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a nice removal spell. It is definitely a little bit clunky as a 4-mana sorcery, but it does kill anything, and the upside of punishing an opponent for Blocking will sometimes have a pretty real effect. Taking away their best blocker and then attacking with this seems pretty nice.
Environmental Sciences
Average Picked At: 4.08
Total Times Picked: 437
Average Last Seen At: 3.90
Total Times Seen 1401
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: All the lessons are much better than they look, and that is certainly the case for Environmental Sciences. If you can pick up one of these, it effectively makes every single card you have with “Learn” into fixing. This means you can have pretty excellent mana for a splash simply by playing one basic land of another color. The life gain doesn’t hurt either.
Lorehold Excavation
Average Picked At: 10.64
Total Times Picked: 102
Average Last Seen At: 7.92
Total Times Seen 1116
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: While it is a little awkward that it doesn’t impact the board immediately most of the time, it does only cost two, and at least it starts doing damage and gaining you life right away. That part of the card shouldn’t be overlooked, by the way, this will sort of feel like Ill-Gotten Inheritance with more upside. If you’re in RW, and you are if you’re playing this, this seems like the kind of glue that will keep that deck together. I’m not sure it quite does enough to pull you into the color pair itself, but if you’re there already, value it highly.
Dueling Coach
Average Picked At: 7.34
Total Times Picked: 99
Average Last Seen At: 5.90
Total Times Seen 842
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Four mana for a 2/2 that puts a counter somewhere is alright, but not great. This does come with a late game mana sink that will be able to give you some value most of the time, and that’s nice.
Professor Onyx
Average Picked At: 1.33
Total Times Picked: 21
Average Last Seen At: 1.31
Total Times Seen 26
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Unsurprisingly, this Planeswalker is really strong. Her -3 will typically kill whatever your opponent’s best creature is. And yeah, sometimes it won’t line up that way and that will be annoying, but you’re still getting rid of something pretty good! If you’re behind, you’ll probably start with that -3 most of the time. If you’re ahead, you can use her +1 for amazing card selection as well as add some stuff to the graveyard. She’s also got a powerful static ability -- draining your opponent 2 life for every instant or sorcery you play is not a small thing, that can really alter races. Her ultimate can win the game, though it is a little inconsistent. The one thing she lacks is a way to protect herself, but I think having the card draw and removal options + a powerful static ability is enough for me to get over that.
Leyline Invocation
Average Picked At: 8.18
Total Times Picked: 303
Average Last Seen At: 7.24
Total Times Seen 2556
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is often a 6-mana 8/8 or something like that in the late game for UG decks, and that makes it a solid thing to have at the top of your curve.
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